Welcome to CEN and CENELEC Annual Report 2023!


2023 was a pivotal year for European Standardization. Amid significant geopolitical shifts and Europe's ongoing journey toward sustainability and resilience, CEN and CENELEC once again demonstrated our unwavering dedication to our shared European values.

Last year marked the 30th Anniversary of the Single Market, during which the role of standardization was both recognized and reinforced. The implementation of the new European Standardization Strategy and the establishment of the High-Level Forum underscored the strategic importance of standards for Europe's future.

We also reaffirmed our commitment to the twin Green and Digital transitions. In digitalization, we made significant strides in key areas such as AI, cyber resilience, and quantum technologies, fostering an ecosystem of trust and innovation across Europe.

Simultaneously, we advanced numerous standardization activities to support the green transition of European industry. Our work included the development of standards for new clean technologies and sustainable energy sources, such as hydrogen, critical raw materials, carbon capture, and circular economy practices.

Moreover, we made substantial progress in implementing our priority projects under the CEN and CENELEC Strategy 2030. These efforts ensure that our standardization system and services continue to act as catalysts for a sustainable and globally competitive European economy.

This Annual Report highlights these and many other achievements. It pays tribute to the relentless efforts of our members, partners, stakeholders, and collaborators. Their dedication is a testament to the enduring strength of the European Standardization System, which allows CEN and CENELEC, and indeed all of Europe, to look forward to the future with optimism.

We invite you to explore the CEN and CENELEC Annual Report 2023 and celebrate these milestones with us.

Enjoy the reading!

2023 in figures

New deliverables published
sectors of activities
New TCs added
Adoptions of CEN and CENELEC standards by countries outside CEN and CENELEC membership

CEN and CENELEC at a glance

European Standards Workshop Agreements Technical Specifications Technical Reports Guides European Standards identical to international standards (ISO and IEC)
In 2023
Deliverables published in 2023 by CEN and CENELEC 1317 53 44 40 3 786
Total CEN and CENELEC portfolio at the end of 2023 24363 375 782 878 58 11057

Main Highlights

European Standards for the Green Transition...


In 2023, CEN and CENELEC conducted many standardization activities to support the green transition of the European industry and foster the development of new clean technologies and sustainable energy sources.

Some of the highlights include:


Hydrogen supports the decarbonization of industry, transport, power generation and buildings across Europe, and facilitates the large-scale integration of renewables.

In 2023 CEN and CENELEC’s technical committees continued developing standards enabling the wider deployment of hydrogen technologies.

One highlight of the year was the creation of a CEN and CENELEC Hydrogen Coordination Group to address the implementation of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance Roadmap on Hydrogen Standardization.

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In 2023, CLC/TC 59X ‘Performance of household and similar electrical appliances’ published four new standards which set new energy labelling and Ecodesign requirements for household washing machines and washer-dryers, in support of the Ecodesign and Energy labelling Regulations.

Furthermore, CEN-CLC/JTC 10 ‘Material efficiency aspects for products in scope of Ecodesign legislation’ worked on a new standard, prEN 45560 ‘Method to achieve circular designs of products’. This document provides guidance on how to reduce the environmental impact of products, without compromising functions and safety.

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Carbon Capture

In November 2023, the CEN Technical Boards established CEN/TC 474 ‘Carbon dioxide Capture, transportation, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS)’. The committee will focus on the full lifecycle of CCUS projects and include design and construction in their work, together with health, safety, and environmental aspects. Another priority will be the measurement, monitoring, verification and quantification of CO₂ across the CCUS value chain.


Critical raw materials

New CEN/TC 472 ‘Rare Earth Elements’ was set up to address the strategic standardization needs in the field of critical raw materials. Besides mirroring the work of ISO/TC 298 ‘Rare Earth’, the TC’s scope includes standardization on ‘Elements Recycling’ and ‘Sustainability and traceability’, with special attention drawn to the circularity of raw materials.

In June 2023, CEN and CENELEC also published a position paper welcoming the European Commission’s proposal on the Critical Raw Materials Act.


Circular economy

CEN and CENELEC continued to put a big emphasis on the achievement of a Green and Circular Economy. CEN/TC 473 ‘Circular Economy’ was created at the end of 2023 with the task to develop horizontal standards that address European specific prerequisites, legislation, and policy.


Digital Product Passport (DPP)

In September 2023,  CEN and CENELEC established  CEN-CLC/JTC 24 ‘Digital Product Passport – Framework and System’. This new JTC is tasked to develop the new standards requested by the Standardization Request on DPP, on topics including common framework, protocols, and unique identifiers.

... and for Europe's digitalization


CEN and CENELEC actively contribute to Europe’s digital transition. ICT standards are at the core of the digital transformation of all sectors of the economy, such as health, machinery, energy, services, or education.

In 2023, CEN and CENELEC developed standardization deliverables in support of a wide variety of EU legislative acts, such as the Annual Union Work Programme 2023, Europe’s Digital Decade objectives, and the Rolling Plan on ICT standardization.

Some of the highlights include:

Cybersecurity and data protection

While ICT technologies often mean new opportunities, they also create safety threats. Hence, it is important to ensure a constant high level of assurance and security. In this field, CEN and CENELEC's JTC 13 ‘Cybersecurity and data protection’ plays a very important role, developing standards which improve the security features of products, services and processes in all sectors and boost consumer’s trust in the digital environment.

In 2023, JTC 13 processed a series of harmonized standards to support the cybersecurity requirements as added in the Radio Equipment Delegated Regulation. In parallel, the same JTC had an important role in coordinating and preparing the programme of standards aiming to support the coming ‘Cybersecurity Resilience Act’.

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressing exponentially, widely affecting our society and the way businesses operate. AI applies to a variety of sectors where standardization is of high relevance: smart manufacturing, robotics, autonomous transportation, virtual reality, healthcare, visual recognition, data analysis, AI assisted decision-making, home appliances, or cybersecurity.

In 2023, CEN and CENELEC's JTC 21 ‘Artificial Intelligence’ started the adoption of International Standards, together with the development of European standards that complement international standardization and underpin European policies, in anticipation of the Artificial Intelligent Act.

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Quantum Technologies

In 2023, CEN/CLC/JTC 22 on Quantum Technologies (founded in 2022) started its work: it created eight new projects, building upon two deliverables from its predecessor, the CEN and CENELEC Focus Group on Quantum Technologies, which ran from 2020 2023): the Standardization Roadmap on Quantum Technologies, and Quantum Technologies Use Cases. JTC 22 is also in close contact with the newly created IEC/ISO JTC 3 on the same topic.

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EU Policy and Standardization


An important year for the relationship between European standards and European Policy, 2023 began with the inaugural meeting of the High-Level Forum on Standardization on 20 January. The High-Level Forum (HLF) was an action established by the European Standardization Strategy and its launch marked a key milestone in the strategy’s implementation. The meeting, hosted by Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internal Market, brought together 50 high-level representatives from industry, policy, civil society, and standardization.

CEN and CENELEC also participated in the second meeting of the HLF, which took place on 30 November 2023. The Forum launched the ‘Education and Skills on Standards’ pledge and discussed the finalization of the Annual Union Work Programme on Standardization 2024.

In 2023, CEN and CENELEC also celebrated 30 years of the Single Market, with a number of actions to highlight the role standards in its implementation and development. On 23 January, Elena Santiago Cid, Director General of CEN and CENELEC, was invited to speak at the European Parliament during the hearing on Standardization in the Single Market held by the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO). This took place in the context of the 30th year anniversary of the EU Single Market, in which standardization has played a key role in ensuring the free movement of goods and services between its members. CEN and CENELEC also launched a multimedia communication campaign.

Furthermore, we contributed to key legislative proposals relevant for CEN and CENELEC, such as the Net-Zero Industry Act, Critical Raw Materials Act, the revision of the Construction Products Regulation, and the Artificial Intelligence Act. The Evaluation of Regulation 1025/2012 began in September 2023, with a public call for evidence from the European Commission. CEN and CENELEC published a position paper in response and will continue to contribute to the next steps of the evaluation, that is continuing into 2024.


Implementation of Strategy 2030 and relative projects

The CEN and CENELEC Strategy 2030 frames the agenda of the two organizations within the context of the twin digital and green transitions, to ensure that our standardization systems and services serve as catalysts for a sustainable and globally competitive European economy.

A rolling Implementation Plan has been put in place since 2021 to establish a fit-for-purpose delivery architecture, enabling an agile and responsive implementation. This includes a Measurement Framework which identifies Key Performance Indicators to monitor progress.

Central to the implementation of our Strategy 2030 is a project-based approach supported by a dedicated Project Management Office (PMO) within the CEN and CENELEC Management Centre (CCMC). A new directorate ‘Technology and Projects Excellence’ was established in 2023 to ensure that the PMO and our IT systems receive the necessary resources.

The following Strategic Projects were implemented in 2023:

  • Assessing User Needs: a mapping and health check of existing practices and systems currently used by Members to identify and process user needs (completed).
  • Strategic International Monitoring Mechanism: the aim is to promote a more strategic approach to international standardization, ensuring that subjects of strategic importance to Europe are handled in a coordinated way (completed).
  • Inclusiveness and Diverse Representation Dashboard: this project analysed the diverse composition of CEN and CENELEC Technical Bodies and the inclusiveness of the standard-drafting environments, in terms of gender, age, race/ethnicity, and accessibility. The final report identified gaps and provided recommendations to further enhance the inclusiveness and diversity of our standardization activities (completed).
  • Timely Citation of Harmonized Standards: the goal is to improve the timely delivery of compliant Harmonized standards (hENs) by shifting the efforts at the beginning of the development, and by introducing the CCMC Quality Check (ongoing).
  • SMART Standards: the aim is to move away from standards described in free text, to digital standards with machine-readable content, which makes it easier to use standards and thereby lowers barriers for SMEs. In 2023, a solution provider was selected, pilots were run, and a first round of customisation was kicked off (ongoing).
  • Online Standards Development (OSD): jointly with ISO and IEC, OSD aims to provide a collaborative, Word-like online editing tool optimized for the CEN and CENELEC standards development process which experts will use to draft their standards. This will increase collaboration, inclusivity and efficiency while resulting in higher quality standards. In 2023, pilots were reopened to increase user adoption and extensive process design work was performed to prepare the CEN OSD integration and the future CENELEC OSD environment (ongoing).

Building an Open, Inclusive System

Ensuring the widest participation of stakeholders in standardization is key to the high quality of our standards and the legitimization of our system.

For this reason, over the years we have established a series of cooperation formats with a variety of partners from the industry and civil society.

Societal Stakeholders

In 2023 CEN, CENELEC, and the Annex III organizations agreed to develop a join Action Plan to address the European Standardization Strategy recommendations on strengthening inclusiveness and effective participation of SMEs and Societal stakeholders representing consumers, workers and environmental interests in the European Standardization System.

These efforts are run in parallel with the collaboration with CEN and CENELEC Partners and other stakeholders in the framework of the High-Level Forum.

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Industry Advisory Forum

The purpose of the Industry Advisory Forum (IAF) is to provide a platform for high-level dialogue with industry to ensure standards adequately respond to market needs.

In 2023, the IAF focused on developing recommendations to the CEN and CENELEC boards on the European Standardization Strategy, and on strategic standardization topics such as Next Generation of standard-makers, Services and energy transition, or Sustainability reporting.

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Stakeholders’ Engagement Workshops

CEN and CENELEC organise a series of Stakeholders’ Engagement Workshops to connect with all relevant parties on emerging strategic issues and identify suitable standardization solutions.

In 2023, we organized two of these workshops:


Other events and trainings

In 2023, we organised a series of other events on relevant standardization issues, which attracted a big number of participants. Among them:

The full list of events and trainings can be found here.

Developments in Research and Innovation

Improving the exchange between standardization and research and helping innovations access the market are among the most relevant long-term priorities for CEN and CENELEC.

The main actions undertaken in 2023 were aimed at:

Integrating standardization in research projects

  • 4 Horizon Europe projects and one Digital Europe project in which CEN and/or CENELEC participate as project beneficiary were approved in 2023. Project activities include the development of standardization roadmaps in innovative areas, the promotion of the European Standardization System in target regions outside Europe, as well as education about standardization to attract a future generation of standards makers.
  • Moreover, input from CEN and CENELEC technical bodies collected in 2023 were presented in a Position Paper and submitted to the consultation for the next phase of Horizon Europe starting in 2025.

Strengthening CEN and CENELEC’s capacity to engage with the R&I community

  • In 2023, a Code of Practice on Standardization was adopted by the European Commission. CEN and CENELEC contributed to the promotion of the Code with different activities including dedicated trainings delivered in national events.
  • The annual edition of Putting Science into Standards (PSIS) workshop organized by CEN and CENELEC together with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) took place in December 2023 focusing on Circular technologies for construction.

Recognizing researchers for their contribution to standardization

  • The 5th edition of the CEN and CENELEC Standards+Innovation Awards was presented in 2023. The award ceremony took place as part of the EU stakeholder event “Making research results work for society”.
  • Since 2023, CEN and CENELEC are making available online the bibliographies of CEN and CENELEC standards that include a reference to one or more scientific publications, to allow researchers to prove when their scientific contributions have been instrumental for the development of a European standard.

Engaging with like-minded International Partners


CEN and CENELEC’s international activities are centred on two key principles: enhancing the role of standards to boost the competitiveness of European businesses on the global stage; and collaborating with like-minded international partners to provide common solutions to global challenges.

Our activities in 2023 were targeted at different group of international partners:

Affiliates are National Standardization Bodies (NSBs) or National Committees (NCs) from countries formally recognized as candidate or potential candidate for EU accession.

To date, the 6 Affiliates of CEN and CENELEC are DPS (Albania), ISBIH (Bosnia and Herzegovina), GeoSTM (Georgia), ISM (Moldova), ISME (Montenegro) and SE UkrNDNC/DSTU (Ukraine). They have adopted a total of 131.838 CEN and CENELEC standards.

The six CEN and CENELEC Affiliates adopted many ENs because one of the requirements of the ‘Acquis Communautaire’ is that their national standardization bodies become Members of CEN and CENELEC. One of the criteria for a NSB/NC to become a CEN and CENELEC Member is that the NSB/NC has to adopt at least 80% of CEN and CENELEC active standards.

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The Companion Standardization Body (CSB) status is available to NSBs/NCs that do not qualify to become Members or Affiliates, and which seek a privileged relationship with CEN and/or CENELEC. Amongst the services offered, CSBs have full and direct access to European standards and can participate as observers in the work of CEN and CENELEC technical bodies.

To date, CEN has 16 CSBs and CENELEC has 8 CSBs, mostly including countries from the EU Neighbourhood Policy, but also standards bodies from Australia, Cameroon, Canada, Kazakhstan, Ivory Coast, Mongolia, and Nigeria. At the end of 2023, CEN and CENELEC CSBs had adopted a total of 8.415 CEN and CENELEC standards.

In March 2023, the CEN General Assembly approved the application of SON (Standardization Organization of Nigeria) for CSB status in CEN, applicable as of April 2023. Subsequently, in July 2023, the CEN General Assembly also approved SCC (Standards Council of Canada) as a new CEN CSB, applicable as of September 2023. 

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Other NSBs/NCs with which CEN and CENELEC do not have a cooperation framework still have the opportunity to adopt European standards (identically) through specific contractual arrangements with CEN or CENELEC.

CEN and CENELEC also offer these NSBs/NCs the possibility to receive standards for review by their technical committees before a decision is taken to adopt them (or not).

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Standardization Activities

In 2023, CEN and CENELEC developed a total of 1457 new standardization deliverables, across 22 business sectors. The slideshow on the right gives a graphic overview of the variety of this standardization activity.

Every box represents one business sector, the numbers indicate the amount of new standards developed in 2023 in each one of them, and additional information on is available by clicking on the hyperlinks.  

Standardization Activities in 2023


icon Deliverables at the end of 2023


icon Deliverables published in 2023

icon Technical Bodies at the end of 2023

TC Observerships

Adoption of ENs outside Europe

Affiliates CSBs Other

Accumulators, Primary Cells And Primary Batteries

104 91 4 1 513 16 0
Chemicals 1531 95 23 12 7.347 343 83


3618 186 89 68 17.956 2.463 1.723
Consumer 1006 69 23 20 4.888 295 167

Defence and security

361 120 37 10 1.651 186 70

Digital society

2457 1945 52 16 11.650 181 39

Electric Motors And Transformers

22 20 2 0 132 38 1

Electric Equipment And Apparatus

293 7 8 1 1.753 37 4

Electronic, Electromechanical And Electrotechnical Supplies

1132 307 20 1 5.768 60 5

Electrotechnology General

764 697 90 7 3.958 280 15

Energy and utilities

2407 840 84 36 11.703 638 176

Food and agriculture

782 29 21 19 3.720 278 90


1679 358 47 23 7.144 155 130

Household appliances and HVAC

908 573 26 6 4.255 486 80

Insulated Wire And Cable

396 394 5 3 2.228 345 86

Lighting Equipment And Electric Lamps

496 453 1 3 2.402 315 3

Low Voltage Electrical Equipment And Installations

558 509 25 4 2.636 301 35

Mechanical And Machinery

2672 410 86 56 13.412 1.015 350

Mining and metals

1058 65 17 7 5.330 240 84

Occupational Health And Safety

547 75 10 10 2.729 276 159


454 36 37 12 2.039 52 34

Transport And Packaging

4569 681 44 17 18.624 415 196


      328 131.838 8.415 3.530


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